Who We Are and What We Do
Saloni Shah & Lexi Straube
Saloni Shah and Lexi Straube are the 2022-23 SPA presidents. They are devoted to serving their fellow premedical community at Stanford and create a collaborative and inclusive environment that enhances, develops, and advances the ways in which premedical are able to navigate the undergraduate education experience at Stanford.
Conference Co-Chairs
Caden Denning & Binta Diallo
The conference committee is responsible for organizing our yearly conference for premedical students. The theme and structure of the conference this year is focused on mental health and wellbeing. Details TBA!
Diversity & Equity Co-Chairs
Nick Panyanouvong & Ivy Warren
In the spirit of community-based research, the diversity & equity committee will work alongside Stanford’s FLI community to discern their needs and how to uplift and empower the community to succeed despite their obstacles. Campaigns include identifying free resources and further developing the FLI mentorship program created last year.
Explore Co-Chairs
Nick Fajardo & Hayden Reynoso
The explore committee focuses on the needs of students who are still in the exploration phase of their academic careers. They provide resources and programming for those considering the possibility of a career in medicine/healthcare by creating a supportive and enriching atmosphere. The explore committee organizes informative panels, develops mentorship programs, enables career exploration, and advises underclassmen on major/minor and class selections.
Health Advocacy Co-Chairs
Jessica Balbin & Sarika Lansberg
The health advocacy committee is responsible for sending out monthly newsletters on various topics relating to national or global issues to increase awareness of important issues among our premed community. Additionally, they plan quarterly “field trips” that supplement the themes discussed in the newsletter.
Social & Social Media/Marketing
Payton Glasgow & Nathan Mohit
The social and social media committees will organize welcoming events every quarter, coworking events to help fellow premed students stay motivated, and relaxing kickbacks (spa night, anyone?). They also organize flyers, instagram posts, etc for SPA.